Important Dates

Call for SLAM Challenge

Final Round: Sep -Oct. 2019

First Round: August 6th-September 6th, 2019

-Deadline has been extended! 

Training dataset (ground-truth included) release : 6th August 2019

Call for Papers

Camera-ready Version: 8th July 2019

Final Notification: 27th May 2019

Rebuttal Period: 3rd-8th May 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Reviews Released to Authors: 3rd May 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Paper Submission Deadline: 22nd March 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th March 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Call for Posters

Camera-ready version: 19th August 2019

Final  Notification: 5th August 2019                    

Submission Deadline: 30th June 2019(23:59 AoE)

-Deadline has been extended!

Call for Workshops

Call-for-Participation: 10th June 2019

Acceptance Notification: 30th May 2019

-Deadline has been extended!

Proposal Deadline: 20th May 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Call for Tutorials

Acceptance notification: 28th May 2019

-Deadline has been extended!

Proposal Deadline: 20th May 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Call for Demos

Camera-ready version: 18th September 2019

Final Notification: 28th August 2019

Submission Deadline: 19th August 2019

Call for Doctoral Consortium

Camera-ready version: August 27th, 2019

Notification: August 20nd, 2019

Submission Deadline: July 31th, 2019 (23:59 AoE)

-Deadline has been extended!

Call for Student Volunteers

Submission Deadline: August 5th, 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Call For Pitch your lab

Lab Presentation Submission Deadline: September 25th, 2019 (23:59 AoE) 
Notification upon submission: Lab Presentation Notification of Acceptance: October 3rd, 2019 (23:59 AoE)

Welcome to ISMAR 2019

The IEEE ISMAR is the leading international academic conference in the fields of Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. The symposium is organized and supported by the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE VGTC .

The congress organized by BSIG, BUAA and BIT will be held at Friendship Hotel in Beijing (China), on October 14-18, 2019.

Please follow and/or like on social media to receive news and announcements!

Virtual reality in education and training | Virtual space for students

The rapid development technologies could not but affect the educational process. And although VR (virtual reality) technologies (just like writing prompts apps) are no longer something new, they began to be used in education relatively recently.

It is difficult to imagine modern daily life without technology and useful devices. Innovations have become commonplace not only at work or at home, but also open new opportunities for participants in the learning process. Therefore, you should not ignore the opportunities that new technologies open up for learning. By taking advantage of online paper help, you can devote time to really important things, find new friends, and discover new facets of your talent. Don't put off pleasant moments for later - student life is too interesting to spend all your time on writing independent papers. Turn your studies into pleasant memories with new features of our service.

Today's educational process puts a lot of demands on its participants, but at the same time, it also provides a large number of opportunities to start your career. One of the most effective ways to gain new experiences and skills and to network is through industry conferences. Preparing for such conferences can take a lot of time and effort, but with the help of an essay writer, you will be able to hand in all your independent papers on time. What's more - our experts will help you not only with your syllabus but also with the preparation for the conference itself. Hurry up and contact our specialists and make sure of their professionalism.  

Current advances in education make it conceivable to get information from a distance, with less time and cash. There are better approaches for association among a teacher and student. While picking an instructive establishment, the accentuation moved to the nature of education. The school system is going through the phase of converging with the worldwide data space. This permits you to utilize present-day approaches to concentrating on the material, which is turning out to be more agreeable and open. It is convenient to use new technologies in teaching to improve the learning process for students. To have more time for getting new skills in learning, we recommend essaywriter service to order the prepared work

Today's Internet space provides a huge amount of information incomprehensible for student processing. More than a thousand books and millions of articles are published on the web every year. We need to extract useful information from all this variety of information. The problem of lack of knowledge is no longer there because modern technologies are increasingly being integrated into learning and it is very important to use exactly the method that suits a particular student. However, in the case of using technology thoughtlessly, students may learn less knowledge and need help with work. That is why when the question to help me write my essay arises, the service is always ready to help.

A group of analysts from ABI Research claims that the global VR market will grow to $5-6 billion by 2022. And this, according to experts, is only the beginning.

We are already aware of successful examples of using virtual reality for education. For instance:

1. VR training for gallbladder surgery has been successfully tested at Yale University. The VR group was 29% faster and 6x less likely to make mistakes.

2. A study on the Impact of Virtual Reality on Academic Performance was conducted in Beijing. The children were taught the same discipline, but one group - using the classical method, and the second - using VR. As a result, a test was carried out. The first group was 73% successful, and the second 93% successful. In addition, the VR group showed a deeper understanding of the topic and better consolidated the knowledge gained (based on the test results after two weeks).

3. In 2018, Cambridge anthropology students from East China explored the symbols painted along the Giza plateau's tomb. A virtual classroom was created, and three-dimensional models of the objects under study were loaded. Students controlled their virtual avatars, being thousands of kilometers from the real research site.

4. Google has been working on the creation of for several years already. For example, at the end of 2019, a virtual tour of the Palace of Versailles was launched using 132,000 photographs. There are also tours of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, Buckingham Palace in London, and other cultural heritage sites. And their number will only grow every year.

Studying using virtual reality is based on immersive technologies - virtual expansion of reality, which allows you to better perceive and understand the surrounding reality. That is, they literally immerse a person in a given event environment. This approach will greatly ease the students' struggles to write essays about virtual reality.

There are several advantages of the immersive approach:


Virtual space allows you to examine in detail objects and processes that are impossible or very difficult to trace in the real world. For example, the human body's anatomical features, the work of various mechanisms, and the like. Flying into space, diving hundreds of meters under water, traveling through the human body - VR offers tremendous opportunities. 


In the virtual world, external stimuli practically do not affect a person. For example, they can concentrate entirely on the research about virtual reality, analyze the material and assimilate it better.


The scenario of the learning process can be programmed and controlled with high precision. Students can conduct chemistry experiments in virtual reality, see outstanding historical events, and solve complex problems in a more fun and understandable way. By and large, soon, this will exclude the need to get academic writing help.


Based on the already carried out experiments, it can be argued that the effectiveness of training using VR is at least 10% higher than that of the classic format. Shortly, every college essay writing service will hire graduates taught with the help of VR. Thus, future professional writers at EssayUSA would be of another quality level, that's for sure.
When is it better to hire professional?

Latest news

2019-08-05 Published Call for SLAM Challenge

2019-06-15 Deadline Extension for Workshops Submission:1st August 2019 (23:59 AoE)

2019-06-10 Deadline Extension for Posters Submission:30th June 2019(23:59 AoE)

2019-05-06 Deadline Extension for Tutorials Submission:20th May 2019 (23:59 AoE)

2019-03-17 Published Call for Student Volunteers

2019-02-27 Online registration is now available.

2019-02-24 Published Call for Workshop Papers

2019-02-22 Published Call for Doctoral Consortium

2019-01-28 Published Call for Demonstrations

2019-01-28 Published Call for Posters

2019-01-23 Published Call for Tutorials

2019-01-23 Published Call for Workshops

2019-01-17 Published Call for Papers

Thanks to our sponsors

We thank our sponsors for supporting the ISMAR 2019 conference.