Poster Papers (2-6 pages including references)
ISMAR is responding to the recent explosion of commercial and research activities related to AR and MR and Virtual Reality (VR) by continuing the expansion of its scope over the past several years. ISMAR 2019 will cover the full range of technologies encompassed by the MR continuum, from interfaces in the real world to fully immersive experiences. This range goes far beyond the traditional definition of AR, which focused on precise 3D tracking, visual display, and real-time performance.
We specifically invite contributions from areas such as Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Psychology, Computer Vision, Optics, and in particular VR, and how these areas contribute to advancing AR / MR / VR technology. The poster session is a fix-point of ISMAR, where the community engages in a discussion about the benefits and challenges of AR in other research and application domains.
This year, we will continue with the previously introduced format for Poster papers allowing for more space. Poster papers will be reviewed on the basis of an extended abstract, which can now be 2-6 pages long and contain smaller contributions or work-in-progress. The page limit also includes the list of references.
Please note that ISMAR does not consider a poster paper of 2-pages to be an archival publication. Therefore submitting work in a 2-pager poster format does not preclude later submitting the same work in the form of a full paper. And to clarify, poster papers with more than 2 pages will need further scrutiny by ISMAR reviewers to check for added value when submitted as a full paper in later years. ISMAR reviewers are committed to maintaining and enforcing these reviewing principles.
Accepted Poster Papers will be published in the adjunct proceedings of IEEE ISMAR 2019 and will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Poster paper presentation sessions will be organized at the conference. At least one of the authors must register and attend the conference to present the poster.
Submission Deadline: 30th June 2019 (23:59 AoE) -Deadline has been extended!
Final Notification: 5th August 2019
Camera-ready version: 19th August 2019
Please note that the review process of posters will be double-blind. Please be anonymous during submission (one should not mention author name, affiliation or acknowledgments in the submission). The author information in the following formats should be replaced with the paper ID.
Posters papers must follow the "Conference Proceedings" format for which templates (TEX, DOC) are available from the submission guidelines, or directly from IEEE VGTC:
VGTC Sample PDF Paper.pdf
All materials must be submitted electronically through the Precision Conference website at: PCS(
All topics relevant to AR, VR and MR are of interest. Note that VR papers are also welcome regardless of their relevance to AR/MR. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Information Presentation
Mediated and diminished reality
Multisensory rendering, registration, and synchronization
Rendering techniques and methods
Visual, aural,haptic, and olfactory augmentation
Calibration and registration (of sensing systems)
Location sensing technologies of any kind relevant to MR/AR
Projector-camera systems
Sensor fusion
Smart spaces
Touch, tangible and gesture interfaces
Visual mapping
Wearable sensors, ambient-device interaction
Display hardware, including 3D, stereoscopic, and multi-user
Live video stream augmentation (e.g., in robotics and broadcast)
Wearable actuators and augmented humans
Wearable and situated displays (e.g., eyewear, smart watches, pico-projectors)
User Experience Design
Collaborative interfaces
Technology acceptance and social implications
Therapy and rehabilitation
Usability studies and experiments
Virtual analytics and entertainment
VR simulations of AR/MR
Human Performance and Perception
Interaction techniques
Learning and training
Multimodal input and output
Perception of virtual objects
System Architecture
Content creation and management
Distributed and collaborative architectures
Online services such as AR cloud, shared anchors
Real-time performance (theaters, projection mapping)
Scene description and management issues
Wearable and mobile computing
Art, cultural heritage, education and training
Automotive and aerospace
Entertainment, broadcast
Industrial,emergency response
Health,wellbeing, and medical
Personal information systems
Visual effects/video processing
Yanwen Guo,
Nanjing University,China
Xueying Qin,
Shandong University,China
Andes Navarro,
University ICESI,Colombia
Stephanie Maxwell
Rochester Institute of Technology, US
We thank our sponsors for supporting the ISMAR 2019 conference.
Beihang University
Beijing Institute of Technology
China Virtual Reality and Visualization Technology Innovation & Strategic Alliance
Beijing Association for Science and Technology